Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Anderson!

It has been a week long birthday celebration for Anderson's birthday that culminated with a party yesterday.  It was a great time!  Here are some of the highlights of the week...

Anderson's rockin' airplane!  Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sandy gave Anderson this great airplane rocker that sings and makes all kinds of awesome noises.  Anderson loves the noises and rocking on it.  However, he has not quite mastered the dismount.  

Anderson's new sand box! Whenever we go to the park or Lupe Tortilla, Anderson gravitates to the sand box.  He just loves it and apparently loves the taste of sand too! For his birthday, we got him a little sandbox and picnic table.  He has really enjoyed it so far, and it was a huge hit for his birthday party guests.

Anderson's new ride!  Anderson got a Radio Flyer car from the Staples, Uncle Bubs, and Honey and Pop.  It is awesome!  It is all decked out with a radio, turn signals, the works!  Anderson looks awersome in it cruising around Huntwick.  He loves riding in it, but he really loves just pushing it around.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo

It's rodeo time in Houston, which is a huge deal!  There are tons of big performers and events.  Today, we took Anderson to the Livestock Show.  There were tons of animals and events for the kids. Anderson was not a fan at all of the pigs and goats or really any of the petting zoo animals, but he LOVED the chickens and rabbits.  It was pretty fun to also watch all of the people going to the rodeo tonight.  The Jonas Brothers are the rodeo performer tonight, so there were tons of "Future Mrs. Jonas" and "I love Joe" t-shirt wearers and signs.  

Anderson's Hip Issue

A few weeks ago, Anderson's teacher at school noticed that Anderson was not putting weight on his right leg.  We had not noticed it at home, and he definitely did not seem affected by this at all.  He was still running around and playing like normal.  Then over the weekend, we noticed that Anderson would not put weight on his right leg when we would put him down from being held, but once he was down, he would pull himself up and walk around again.  Weird, right?  So I called the doctor on Monday, fully expecting them to tell us not to worry about it, but they wanted us to bring him in.  In two seconds, Dr. Killinger knew that it was "irritable hip syndrome." Apparently, it is fairly common when a kid has recently been sick (Anderson had an ear infection about 3 weeks earlier).  The virus will migrate to the joints and cause inflammation.  So the cure was no walking for 3 days, which is not an easy task for a highly active 11-month old boy! But within three days, Anderson was back to being 100%.  It was a rough couple of days for all of us, but we are all doing great now. 

More time at the park

We recently joined the YMCA. So far Anderson's favorite thing there is the park.  The park there has an awesome jeep for the kids to play on.  Anderson is a Jeep man, just like his dad!

Picnic Lunch

In the last few weeks, the weather here has become wonderful!  It's been sunny and in the 70's.  We took advantage of the great weather with a picnic at the park.  Mike and Anderson picked me up from work, and we headed up to Evergreen park.  Anderson has just recently started to really love the park.  His favorite thing to do is the slide, and eat the sand/rocks (of course!).  He is starting to dig the swing too, but the slide is still his favorite. 

Valentine's Day

This was Anderson's first Valentine's Day!  We went to a little party with our SS class.  There were tons of kids and lots of great food.  Anderson did not quite understand the craft events, but definitely enjoyed playing and running around.