Thursday, October 2, 2008

Anderson is 6 Months Old!

Anderson is now a happy and very active 6-month old!  He is not really mobile, but he does a lot of scooting and amazes us at how far he can go without actually getting his belly off the ground! Anderson is sitting up, eating Level 2 foods, and on the verge of being mobile.  He is smiling and laughing a lot and keeping us very busy and entertained.  Here are some pictures from the month.

These are pictures of Anderson hanging out and enjoying his exersaucer.  He is now tall enough for his feet to touch the bottom.  This gives him some serious jump ability, and he loves it!  He can spend a while, well about 10 minutes, entertained by his exersaucer.

Here is a picture of Anderson in his hot pants.  Mike is not a fan of these pants at all, but I absolutely love them. I think he just looks adorable in them! 

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